
Victory Global Solutions


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Innovation through Microservices Cloud

Today’s Challenge:  It’s cloudy, prepare for rain! – Older cloud applications are massive behind the curtain which has the potential for limiting scale, reliability and most importantly, impedes innovation. Failure in any one area can have a devastating customer impact.

Innovation/Acceleration/Transformation: Invest in a modern microservices cloud architecture, where applications are divided into hundreds of independent microservices.

One might handle outbound dialing while another routes incoming customer calls.
A failure in one microservice has no impact on the other, providing unsurpassed reliability. Microservices are independently scaled to dynamically adjust to any area needing more resources. Cloud providers that build applications on this architecture innovate rapidly by continuously adding new individual microservices. Applications change exponentially with the business.

*Microservices Defined:  Microservices are a more concrete and modern interpretation of service-oriented architectures (SOA) used to build distributed software systems. In contrast to SOA, microservices gives an answer to the question of how big a service should be and how they should communicate with each other. In a microservices architecture, services should be small and the protocols should be lightweight. The benefit of distributing different responsibilities of the system into different smaller services is that it enhances the cohesion and decreases the coupling. This makes it much easier to change and add functions and qualities to the system anytime. It also allows the architecture of an individual service to emerge through continuous refactoring, hence reduces the need for a big up front design and allows for releasing the software early and continuously.